I Have the Right

With the wedding only 39 days away (how is this possible?), I have had my share of things that haven’t made me the happiest person on the block (and since we’re in Maine, that’s a HUGE area!).  My latest phrase has been, “Agh, I just want to punch him/her in the face!”  Will I actually do it?  No, of course not.  But different things have that effect on me.

Any time something makes me anxious, like when people don’t return their RSVP cards by the return-by date, I get a little upset.  Others roll their eyes, give me a glare and tell me to chill out and get over it.  People don’t ever return them, so there is nothing I can do about it.  While that may be true, I have a right to be upset.  I hate being told that I should just get over it.  This wedding means a lot to me, and I have put in a ton of work.  When people don’t play by the rules and just blow off my hard work, it’s going to make me upset.  Wouldn’t it make you upset?

It’s also delaying me making more progress on other projects, like our escort cards for example.  If I have no idea who is coming, how do I make sure I have enough cards ready and all of their names spelled correctly?  Also, the meals.  Now, this isn’t me just being anal.  The hotel needs to know in a week and a half who will be sitting where and what they will be eating.  That’s a whole lot of pressure on me to find out how many of our 38 missing guests will be attending, where they are sitting, and what they are eating!

I’m just saying, for those of you who haven’t RSVPed, you’re all at one table in the corner and you’re all eating chicken.  The end.

Moral of the story?  Don’t tell a bride she doesn’t have the right to be upset.  When she works really hard on something and has people act like they don’t care, it’s a little crushing.  So please, be nice, and she’ll be nice back (and won’t punch you in the face!).

What makes you upset lately?

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